Workshops organized from 2016 onwards

·     On 2nd February 2016, a workshop on Basic Concepts of Spectroscopy was organized by the department of Physics and Electronics and the resource person was Dr.S.A. Martin Britto Dhas ,Assistant Proffesor, Department of physics, Sacred Heart College , Tirupattur, Vellore. In this workshop he has given a clear idea of the different phenomena of optics like scattering ,Diffraction , Interference, Polarisation&Total internal reflection. 

    • Two day workshop was organized by the department of Physics and Electronics for about 120 Electronics students on PCB Designing and Manufacturing” conducted by Mr.V.Govinda Rao, Director Technical and his team , Microlink ,Vijayawada, . In this the students are  trained, to design layout of the circuit ,to print, to connect  on PCB board and have integrated the projects  “555 Timer” and “Temperature Controlled Fan” .

     Bhuvan Familiarization Workshop:

On 14th November 2016 the Department of Physics and Electronics organized   “Bhuvan Familiarization Workshop” in collaboration with National Remote Sensing Centre /ISRO. The resource persons for this workshop are Mr.Vinod M Bothale, Group director, Geo portal & web GIS services NRSC / ISRO and Ms Vijay Banu ,Manager, Bhuvan Technology incubation outreach, RC, NRSC/ISRO.On the occasion of the two institutions coming together to start a collaborative and innovative  program using Bhuvan the Center  for Innovation &Incubation  was inaugurated. 

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